Yuheng Zhao

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PhD candidate.
Address: 220 Handan Road, Shanghai, China


Research Area

My main focus is on intelligent data analysis interfaces, serving as a bridge between human analysts and AI agents across diverse domains problems. I combine methods of Visualization, Artificial Intelligence and Human-Computer Interaction to build versatile and intelligent data analysis workflow and interfaces.


2021–2022 Fudan University Shanghai, China
Research Assistant, FDUVIS Lab

Mentor: Siming Chen
Under the guidance of Prof. Siming Chen, we proposed the text visual analysis method, ContextWing, to support public opinion analysis in different social media scenes. [Visual Analytics, Text Data Mining]

2023 Huawei Research Shanghai, China
Research Intern

Mentor: Yu Zhang
In collaboration with Dr. Yu Zhang in Huawei, we developed LLM-enhanced visual analytics systems that adapt to multiple domain areas. [Language Models, Human-AI Collaboration, Visual Analytics, Insight Recommendation]


2022–Present Ph.D. candidate in Statistics-Machine Learning Track, Fudan University Shanghai, CN

Advised by Siming Chen.
Member of the FDUVIS Lab.

2020–2021 M.S. in Data-driven Modeling (Hornored Class), The Hong Kong University of Science AND Technology Hong Kong SAR, CN

Advised by Wong Kwok Yee Michael.
Statistics, Machine learning, Spatio-temporal Prediction, etc.

2016–2020 B.S. in Information and Computing Science (Hornored Class), HuaZhong Agricultural University Wuhan, CN

Mathematical Modeling, Statistics, Operations Research, etc.


2023 The Doctoral Scholarship of FDU - First Prize

2023 The 9th China International College Students' 'Internet+' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition - Gold Award

2021 IEEE VAST Challenge MC2 - Outstanding Comprehensive Solution Award

A Visualization System for Spatio-temporal Situation Awareness

2021 IEEE VAST Challenge MC3 - Award for Strong Human-in-the-Loop Analysis Methodology

Mixed-Initiative Visual Exploration of Social Media Text and Events

2021 Fudan University Doctoral Forum of Data Science - Bronze Award

2020 Outstanding Admission Scholarship of HKUST

2019 The 4th China International College Students' 'Internet+' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition - The Best Design Prize

Publications [Interactive Version]




2021 Autumn Data Visualization and Application Fudan University

Teaching Assitant, 80 students
Developed and presented tutorials on visual analytics tools, HTML, and D3.js. Graded assignments.


Conference Reviewer: ACM CHI 2024, IEEE PacificVis 2024, ChinaVis 2023.
Session Chair: China-R Conference (AI+VIS Session) 2023